Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sims 2 University For Mac Mu

Our move is done!

said in recent days, with us packing boxes, packing boxes and packing boxes again. That was for us the whole period of our house construction, has made us the least fun. But yesterday we were rewarded, because yesterday we have the movers of the morning at 7 clock until about 15.30 clock all in our house and thus we are brought so since yesterday not only homeowners, but also residents. Feels really great!

After the move we have built up yesterday even the bedroom and unpacked a few boxes and after the stressful days before slept soundly on our first night in the house. There is much quieter than our old apartment. Very good.

Today we went to go a bit more leisurely. Meanwhile, about 25 of our 85 boxes are unpacked, the kitchen is almost finished and Thomas this afternoon our computers connected again - without which we can withstand both but not long ;-). Since Monday, Telekom already there was and has enabled our line in the house, we are thanks to Thomas' application for an hour now back online and can also feed back our site diary and a bit hard to read in another building diaries. And our line provides the full kbit 16,000. Well! We now have

found a horticultural company that transforms us as late as June our current weed paradise in a patio, paths, parking lots and lawns. And then we can finally open up those of us longed for barbecue season ;-).

, enough rest made. Now you go on to the boxes and swing to the cloth.


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