Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Breast Feed To Husbant

Nobody loves GC

Once you are in and around Aarau from various sides could not warm to the Grasshopper Club (GC), issued today, the municipality of Emmen Although no evacuation, but a more restrained than "us-still-missing documents". to provide reasons why the GC does not asylum there may be some who will be most important: love taketh GC.

For years GC not only the league Croesus, but also fine image number 1 in the national football scene. "Gezeeee, the distinction from the lake ..." echoed through each stadium before the Zurich Swiss were once again champions. Before Does the referees and just because they could now be the richest club in the league all. In addition, the stuck-up fans, the stadium and over the entire city unappealing.

As far as the opinion of many non-GC fans. Today, now begging for the once described as the Nobel club football club in Aarau and Emmen asylum. After the Municipality Suhr and have Aarau already expressed negative feelings about the asylum application, now even the small Emmen, Emmen Zurich the big club pee on my legs. Zurich club, who gave blind optimism in the Hardturm the lease with the Letzigrund has ausfgekündigt and seventh, yet the view is free to choose in between stages to Aarau and Emmen. In Emmen "still lacked the basis for decisions," is expressed by the authorities, meanwhile, noted the Basler Zeitung BaZ in an article , Politicians would see a problem with the extension of the building permit, the Football erbaubt Gersag in first - after all, show the space co Brügglifeld and FC Aarau (economically motivated) interest.

In the statement this evening to inform the municipality of Emmen So in effect, they would not be the GC also welcomed with open arms, but suffer more or less only. I fear it is also that the neighbors will oppose the Stadium makes against the additional load. In additional load - even in Aarau an argument - not just the audiences from Zurich to understand, but also those of the respective opponent. Imagine the consequences if GC and played in Basel Gersag for the championship!

The question of existence to the Grasshopper Club focuses again more so on the Zurich city area and the question of whether the local authorities are willing to get their once prestigious figurehead in any way contrary. Quite right. What we are interested in their problems! Or should they? Is schadenfreude Fingezeigen really appropriate? Or GC is only the first big victim, in a business that is increasingly becoming a far too expensive hobby? Now beat other clubs somersaults and put into things with the cost of stadium rental? FC Zurich seems as ostensibly not a candidate for an imminent bankruptcy to be, but also lamented over this the totally disabled football Letzigrund. Where do can you see the example GC and should at least give us rest of Swiss people think.

be continued. This much is certain.


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