And what about the men's rate?
The best article on the topic "40 Years of Women's Suffrage" was published today in response to an article in the Aargau newspaper, which was about quotas for women in the Witschaft. For all the friends on the achievement 40 years ago - now let's face it: in today's enlightened society, it could still have a long talk instead of "husband and wife" simply by "People", right?
The letter to the editor from today's AZ:
I have two daughters who try in their profession, "to make the man"! Work with quality and reliability women can jederzeitund wherever their skills are in demand, her personal Potenzialausleben. Actually I will only express rate. When I was at that time a member of the Personalstiftungwar, the support came from the President (he was the National Council), at least in the five-member Board of Trustees two women must be represented. Understandable and comprehensible! But what about the men's rate? In the above case had, without my intervention, all five members can be women without a single man? So, dear fellow, forget for a quota for women not to set too male. This should then be even more but at least as high as that of women. This would, however, already at odds down a problem for the Federal Council (smile). SAMUEL Spirgi, Dürrenäsch
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