Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Is A Period Look Like

arms initiative: Gfs the prognosis spanking again

I will not escape the impression that gfs was not a speech research institute, but an expression do Institute. For this weekend, the company said ahead of a tight YES on arms initiative. The final trend figures looked like this:
Source: gfs.bern trend analysis to the vote of 13 February 2011 in the SRG SSR
Thus 47% of respondents were determined to more for the initiative, only 45% of arms in the household - with 8% undecided. Come it is this weekend vote differently. Up to 72% rejection, only scarce support in western Switzerland (Basel and Zurich are being so practically to Western Switzerland ;-))

While rushing to the question, is whether the " gfs " ever one copy of the opinion creates, or will affect their vote simply in terms of an affectionate circles. Especially since it is not the first time that the pollsters diametrically with the colorful fly beside it. Guggst you here:


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