Thursday, May 28, 2009

Smallest All In One Footprint

Is that nice when the pain subsides ...

embarrassed after our long weekend of power with parquet flooring, carpeting and baseboards install embarrassed, we were the start of the week totally flat. For 70 years we felt every single bone hurt. Meanwhile, we are perceived in 50 years - and the trend decline. If it were not so unathletic yet ;-). But enough whining. Here again a few new pictures.

Thomas has now assembled all the baseboards in the living room. Here we have for the living room which Parador indulged with a reasonable fastening system. Has become beautiful.

And at the baseboards on the top floor we have cursed properly and then eventually stopped. Here we have simply taken from the building and the fastening system is under all S **. That's really not fun. We will now probably just screw on the wall and put white caps on it. So it now looks in the attic with a laid carpet and semi-attached Fußleisen:

As we with the quality of the locks are not satisfied that Viebrock has built us, Thomas came up with the idea for the single rooms concludes that one time - the bathrooms - toilet locks fitted with a knob. I find it much better and they work properly now.

And then we have already grown in Wohn-/Küchen-Bereich all lamps. How it now looks over the counter in the kitchen. All other ceiling lights are back in the spotlight as the little picture - in the living room area with a dimmer.


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